Saturday, November 27, 2010

Power ups

There are different power ups in the game. They can be found in the river, between the top and middle lane and between the middle and bottom lane. The magic bottle can be used to store these runes for future use. The five power ups are invisibility, illusion, double damage, regeneration and haste. Invisibility grants the user the state of being unseeable. Illusion creates two weaker copies of the user. Double damage multiplies the attack damage of the user by two. Regeneration regenerates the life and mana of the user until full. Haste makes the user move extremely fast.

Raigor Stonehoof the Earth Shaker

Raigor is a strength hero who is actually a spell caster. His skills are Fissure, Enchant Totem, Aftershock and Echo Slam. Fissure deals damage with stun, and also creates a wall from where Raigor casted. The wall can actually be used to block or trap an enemy. Enchant Totem makes his next attack stronger. Aftershock gives Raigor the ability that when he casts spells, enemies around him recieve damage and stun. Echo Slam deals damage to enemies around him with an extra damage that bounces. If there are more enemies, this would deal more damage. A good item for Raigor would be the Blink Dagger. This gives him the blink ability. He could blink in the middle of many enemies and cast Echo Slam and the other spells.

Magina the Anti-Mage

Magina, as the full name states, is strong against spell casters or intelligence based heroes. His skills are Mana Break, Blink, Spell Shield and Mana Void. Mana Break gives his attacks mana burn and reduces the life equal to how much mana was burned. Blink lets him teleport to a different location, which can be used to go in or out of battle. Spell Shield reduces the damages of spells recieved. Mana Void deals damage to an enemy depending on how much mana the enemy has left. The less mana left the stronger the damage. Magina is also a late gamer. Good items for him would be Monkey King Bar and Butterfly. The first gives attack speed and damage bonus while the second increases agility with some other bonuses.

Mortred the Phantom Assasin

Mortred the Scourge Hero is very powerful during the late game. Her skills are Stiffling Dagger, Phantom Strike, Blur and Coup De Grace. Stiffling Dagger damages and slows an opponent but deals half the damage to heroes. The mana cost is low, so this can be used continously wether for harrassing a hero or for killing creeps for money. Phantom Strike enables her to blink to an enemy and attacks with an attack speed bonus for three seconds, with a maximum of four attacks. Blur lets her dodge some of the attacks and makes her transparent, making it harder for players to see her. Her ultimate gives her a chance to deal critical damage, which is why she is very powerful at the late game. A good item for this hero would also be Helm of Dominator.

Jah'rakal the Troll Warlord

The Troll Warlord, a Sentinel hero, is a killer who can be strong enough to take on Roshan alone. His skills are Berserker's Rage, Blind, Fervor and Rampage. The first skill turns him to a meelee hero from ranged and gives him bonuses together with a passive skill called Bash. Bash gives Jah'rakal a chance to stun an opponent and deal extra damage. He can turn to meelee and back to range at any time. The second skill causes an opponent to miss on some attacks. The third gives troll an attack speed bonus and also the allies close to where he is. His ultimate, when casted, gives his whole team a large attack speed bonus and small movement speed bonus, and will last twice as long on Troll. A good item for troll would be the Helm of Dominator, which gives the holder lifesteal and the ability to control a creep.

Balanar the Night Stalker

Balanar is a Scourge hero. He is a hero who is stronger at night than at day. His skills are Void, Crippling Fear, Hunter in the Night, and his ultimate, Darkness. Void damages and slows an opponent. Crippling Fear silences and causes the attacker to miss on some of the attacks. The first two skills are more effective at night time. Hunter in the Night gives balanar a movement and attack speed bonus during night. His ultimate turns the day into night temporarily. Some good items for Balanar would be Sange and Yasha, an item that gives strenght and speed increase with some other bonuses, and Satanic, a strenght item that when used gives a very powerful lifesteal. Also, his ultimate can be used during the night to extend the period.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Invisibility, or the state of being unseeable, is a skill of a hero called Stealth Assasin and a skill that can be possesed by holding Lothar's Edge. That is a recipe item that can be created by buying certain things. Invisibility is very useful because it gives the player a surprise attack advantage and enables the hero to escape easily. The skill goes well with certain heroes because of their skills. In order to counter this skill, a gem could be bought. The gem allows a player to see invisible heroes, but will be dropped when the holder is killed. Another item that could counter the invisibility is the sentry ward. However, it has to be planted on the ground and lasts only for some time.