Saturday, November 27, 2010

Magina the Anti-Mage

Magina, as the full name states, is strong against spell casters or intelligence based heroes. His skills are Mana Break, Blink, Spell Shield and Mana Void. Mana Break gives his attacks mana burn and reduces the life equal to how much mana was burned. Blink lets him teleport to a different location, which can be used to go in or out of battle. Spell Shield reduces the damages of spells recieved. Mana Void deals damage to an enemy depending on how much mana the enemy has left. The less mana left the stronger the damage. Magina is also a late gamer. Good items for him would be Monkey King Bar and Butterfly. The first gives attack speed and damage bonus while the second increases agility with some other bonuses.

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