Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mortred the Phantom Assasin

Mortred the Scourge Hero is very powerful during the late game. Her skills are Stiffling Dagger, Phantom Strike, Blur and Coup De Grace. Stiffling Dagger damages and slows an opponent but deals half the damage to heroes. The mana cost is low, so this can be used continously wether for harrassing a hero or for killing creeps for money. Phantom Strike enables her to blink to an enemy and attacks with an attack speed bonus for three seconds, with a maximum of four attacks. Blur lets her dodge some of the attacks and makes her transparent, making it harder for players to see her. Her ultimate gives her a chance to deal critical damage, which is why she is very powerful at the late game. A good item for this hero would also be Helm of Dominator.

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